If you have been following along with Project: EnAble, then you know about all the amazing things we have accomplished. None of that would be possible without support, so thank you! As some of you may know, I have been working tirelessly for the last little bit to create an Android application that can connect with the project (Rasp Pi Edition) via Bluetooth. Well, here it is! The new, secure and accessible Official Android App for Project: EnAble!
Features of The App
With this being the pilot version of the application, the app allows for many features that people may not know about…such as:
- Bluetooth Connectivity
- Custom Sensitivity Modes
- Custom Profiles
- Top Security using Google Firebase
- Ability to Sign In using Google
- Ability to sign in using Email/Password
And more coming soon!
Please Note
This is the first time that I have created an app like this and I know, its not the greatest. It’s not very pretty and there may be problems with the app. Please know that I am doing my best, but other than just the app, I also have to design the projects, program the project and a lot of other stuff. If there are problems, please contact me, thank you for your patience.
You can download the app by clicking the button below.
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